After delivering KM to the airport bus at pre-dawn, I forced Pearl to accompany me on a trek through the Mojave desert via old Rte. 66.
Boats on Rte. 66... nearest body of water? Unknown. I'd like to make this into my "small house". Roy's - at Amboy - best sign ever. We checked out the world's first commercial solar plant, browsed houses, looked at boats for sale, met odd characters, jumped on lava rocks at Amboy Crater, looked at the blobby granite mountains, did yoga, and moved vast quantities of sand from the Kelso Dunes to our pants while trying to get them to "boom".
Hovering above Pahoehoe. Airplane on a noisy dune. The day finished with a sunset on the way to giant burgers from Bun Boy in Barstow. As any good day in the desert should.
Sideview sunset leaving the Dunes.