Saturday, November 28, 2009

for kilometres

Pumpkin Pecan Pie
(in a way cool apple shaped dish)

1. I can't help the dish you have or may not have... the main important bit is making sure the dish is deep... 'cause you're putting 2 pies in there.

2. Make pie crust. Or buy one. Again, make sure this is enough crust to fit a dish deep enough to jam 2 pies in there.

3. Turn on oven: 350

4. Make pumpkin pie: 1 egg, 1 (generous) cup canned pumpkin (or real pumpkin if you're cool with getting icky up to your elbows in pumpkin goo), 1/3 (lean) cup sugar, generous 1/2 tsp cinnamon, generous 1/4 tsp ginger, generous 1/8 tsp clove (all dry & ground). Stir together and make as first layer in pie crust.

5. Make pecan pie: 2 eggs, 2/3 (lean) cup sugar, 2/3 cup dark corn syrup (yup, that's right), 2 tbsp melted butter, 1 tsp vanilla (I make mine with madagascar vanilla beans in vodka - but you can use imitation, it'll do...), stir very well - make sure eggs are well combined in there. Then stir in a whole bunch of pecans, a minimum of 1 cup. I can't be bothered with the nice neat layering of them on the top in a pretty pattern, plus when they get all coated with the filling it's even better. Pour this layer on top of the pumpkin pie layer.

6. Bake for about an hour - keep your eye out on the crust, it should be golden. The filling should also be starting to come away from the crust at the edge.

7. Cool thoroughly. I mean it! That hot pecan-sugary goodness BURNS!


Missy said...

Although I am not a fan of either pecan or pumpkin pies, that is one hip pie dish!

Unknown said...

I don't think I properly thanked you for sharing this, so... thank you!

I have some questions:

Have you ever made pumpkin pie with real pumpkin? If so, do you use the guts or the flesh?

Do you have a pie crust recipe? Believe it or not, it's something I've never made nor do I know how to... (I'm sure I could look it up, but I trust your know-how).

gnat said...

Pumpkin pie with real pumpkin = use flesh, not guts. Ewww! Guts are yucky!

Pie crust recipe... well, I'd say that my only adult tantrum was making crust from scratch. Yikes. I currently use, and seriously get compliments on all the time, Betty Crocker's pie crust mix. It's the best pie invention of all time (except for my awesome dish of course)