Friday, December 09, 2005

The 2-day Quilt

I'm really not a big fan of x-mas gift exchanges. You have a limited budget, and so very few people are creative enough to get something cool with it that you end up with a singing santa or ugly snowflake doilies, or cheesy stuffed x-mas trees, or hideous wooden snowmen, or I don't know what - but essentially something that you don't want, will never use, and will probably end up donating to the Goodwill, where it will then be picked up by someone else, presumably to bring to a gift exchange... I have one of these gift exchanges tonight.

Well, being ME, I of course take the challenging route and decide to make something. Something appropriately x-massy without being too x-massy, but also being within budget. I went to the Goodwill. I bought several (overpriced) sweaters - I think my local Goowill is totally overcharging, I need to find a different charity store for future projects.

Anyway, so I buy several sweaters, demolish them all, sew like MAD for 2 days, and complete a reversible quilt to give away tonight. See pictures above. On the purple snowflake side you can barely make out the seams - which are at funky angles to make up for lack of colour, and you can also barely make out the silver star buttons scattered throughout - but believe me, they're there!

Needless to say, I got NO work done during this time period.
Also needless to say, I will doubtless be returning to the Goodwill to drop off whatever it is that I receive at the exchange tonight...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Georg will be jealous. She is still working on kelsey's wild quilt!