Monday, August 07, 2006

Hiking in K-Country

Clo's friend, The Shaw (having just finished a 75K with 750m climb bike ride) joined us for a hike in Kananaskis.

Our "final" (mid-point) destination lake - Lillian.

Trees, glorious trees.

Lillian lake, though icy cold and slimy-bottomed, was a most pleasing green colour. Well, pleasing to look at, not pleasing to consider drinking. And drinking it I would have done, had it been more inviting, since a giant bee flew into my water and died and bee-d it up, and, in a fit of "what the heck?", I not only dumped the water to get rid of the bee, but also neglected to photograph it.

Us gals at one of the first bridges. Great rock wall behind us!

BEG and I at our lunch spot/half-way destination... standard pose for me of course, stuffing my pie-hole with... well... not pie

BEG, considering a swim at our destination lake, dips a hand in the icy glacial water.

Our hike, selected entirely because of the 10 bridges we had to cross, offered many pretty rushing river views.

The limestone mountains of Kananaskis. Grey, but loaded with bedding planes!


Unknown said...

And what beautiful bedding planes they are!

Personally, I prefer the raging river photo and Lake Lillian photo (awesome!!) to the mountains though.

I swear I keep expecting geology tutorials to break out on this site. I wouldn't mind at all either. I'm always up for learning!

Hehe... pie hole. Such a non-gnat moment that was.

Also, I'm pretty jealous of your fabulous hiking (yet again!!). I wish I had hiking friends. It seems like something I could enjoy almost too much.

You know, your posting method makes me comment on a lot all at once, it's almost confusing. Just thought I'd throw that in there too.

gnat said...

I rather agree that you would enjoy this activity one calls "hiking". I suggest that you come visit! Geology tutorials often occur while hiking.