Thursday, April 13, 2006

Another exciting geology adventure: to Parkfield and beyond!

Yestreday I somehow managed to convince Pi to accompany me on another random driving adventure despite near mishaps at Red Rock. This one was very successful, and I was able to fulfill my nerdy geologist dream of going to Parkfield, walking on the San Andreas Fault, and crossing back and forth from the Pacific to the North American Plates. It was super fun, I had SUCH a great day nerding out and enjoying the sunshine, and then we capped it off with lunch at the Jack Ranch Cafe - memorial to James Dean, as his tragic car accident occured only a couple of yards down the road from it.

Best part was probably the James Dean wanna-be older man there with his James Dean hair and his snug jeans and tee with sleeves rolled up ogling (and video taping) the memorial stone. I so desperately wanted to take a photo, but I sure couldn't sneak that in subtly...

By the way, can you see the slight bend in the bridge? It's slowly but surely being bent by the motion of the fault. So cool.


Unknown said...

Wow! I like that you can geek out about things like this too.

Speaking of things mildly geology related did you see my post on dinosaurs? I think of anyone you'd be interested...

Unknown said...

Also, when you jumped from plate to plate did you exclaim loudly, "Pacifc, North America, Pacific, North America"?

In my estimation, that's what you did anyway.